Social Media: Don't Believe The Hype


Social media is everywhere. Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook – whichever you prefer, most of us login to at least one of these apps every day and probably multiple times a day. (Yes, I’m guilty too!) We often lose track of how many times we swipe, like, retweet and comment – as we scroll through and refresh our newsfeeds. Social media can be fun – we use it to stay in touch with friends and family, share funny videos, stay up to date on celebrities and sports teams that we like and of course post some selfies and snaps of our own.

However social media can also be a bad thing especially when we let it consume us. Do we spend more time online than doing work? Are we more likely to remember who commented on our photo rather than what we ate for breakfast? Even worst, are we letting social media affect how we feel about ourselves? For instance, if someone posted a selfie and it got more likes than yours – would you let that cause you to question how you look? Or maybe a friend posted a picture in an expensive car, would that make you jealous – even a little bit?

2 Corinthians 10:12 (AMP) says “[…] When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they lack wisdom and behave like fools.”

Just think about it, if you found out that the expensive car in the photo was just a rental or maybe that the selfie was photoshopped, would you feel kind of foolish being jealous? One thing we fail to realize a lot of times is that what people post on social media isn’t always accurate.  I’m not saying that everything that’s posted online is fake but at the end of the day, we all pick and choose what parts of our lives we want to share or not and people can decide to share the truth or to make things up to make their life appear better.

Social media is great - but we can’t be consumed by it and we can’t use it as a means to measure our self-worth. Remember, our worth comes from God and with Him, there’s no comparison.